
Property value increases average of 58%


The value of taxable properties in Macon County has increased by an average of 58.58% since the last revaluation four years ago, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s property taxes are going up that mu

Library board reviews complaint policy


After listening to concerns about LGTB-focused book displays, the Macon County Public Library is developing an “intellectual freedom in libraries” process that would address how members can object

Board questions school projects


Strong public comments in favor, including from a mother of a special needs child who struggles to get around Franklin High School, buoyed a sense of moving forward with the new Franklin High Schoo

Transit gets red flag on audit


Macon County Transit had a “red flag” related to cash controls in its annual financial audit, according to a presentation made at the Board of Commissioners meeting on Dec. 13.

County to reopen landfill sections


The county is aiming to temporarily reopen two full landfill sections and vertically expand the cell currently in use, giving the solid waste department time pay off debt and build a new cell.